Time To Clean Your Child Car Seat - Study Shows Just How Dirty They Can Be


We Can Detail Your Interior & Clean Your Child Seats and Strollers

According to a study by the University of Birmingham, scientists swabbed car seats and found they contained 100 germs per square centimeter, compared to just 50 germs in the same area of a toilet.

Yikes! With that in mind, we would like to remind our customers that in addition to an Interior Shampoo, we also clean strollers and car seats as an add-on service.

For strollers and car seats, we offer vacuuming, wipe downs, steam cleaning, disinfecting, stain removals, vomit removal and overall deep cleaning. Remove the hassle and let us handle it!

All In One Trip

Bring your car in for a deep interior detailing and shampoo and add stroller or child seat cleaning to get it all done in one visit. Our process is more than just a shampoo of the seats, mats, carpets and door panels. We clean the windows and mirrors inside and out. Then we vacuum the interior and trunk, followed by cleaning and dressing the leather, vinyl, and rubber. We’ll wipe the dashboard and console, fine clean all components, and top it all off with an air freshener.

To schedule your Interior Shampoo, stroller cleaning, child seat cleaning or all of the above, please head on over to our schedule section by clicking here or call 202-380-7100.

Need More Than The Interior Done?

No problem! Whatever your detailing needs are, we can help. Dog hair removal, sealants, engine cleaning, tint removal, headlight restoration and more. And for THE ULTIMATE CAR LOVER, be sure to ask about our paint protection formulas like Ceramic Pro or XPEL Paint Protection Film for the best paint protection in the business.

To schedule YOUR Ceramic Pro Interior estimate or for our other paint protection services, please visit ceramicpro-dc.com or call 202-380-7100.